Saturday, February 22, 2014

Respect and Communication

I’m currently in a business communication class. We’ve been learning about writing professional letters and other documents. I think it is interesting that consistently, we are told how to write and organize things in ways that will be least likely to upset someone. For example, if we are giving negative news, we are told to use the indirect method, which means that we explain the situation first, before giving the bad news. Normally, we would be more direct and talk about the main point first, then explain it.

Now if business people are being taught to be civil and polite and to be respectful of others, what is wrong with the rest of the population? Shouldn’t this be standard teaching for everyone? How often are children in elementary or high school taught how to communicate respectfully? Sure, when they do act badly, calling someone names or some other sort of disrespect, they may get yelled at or punished.

But does anyone explain to them how our words and actions can affect others? Do the adults around them act this out as an example? What kind of examples are their media images presenting?

Parents and educators need to model respectful, kind behavior and they need to explain the benefits, as well as what can happen when people don’t treat each other this way. Let’s teach the next generations that people are worth respect and kind treatment, no matter who they are.

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