Friday, October 24, 2014

Say “NO” to Communism in America on November 4th

For the last few decades, we have seen the decline of Communism in the world and the rise of capitalism in its place. Major Communist regimes like the USSR and China are now thriving in a capitalist economy, embracing free trade with other nations. “See, capitalism is working and Communism is dead,” we might say. In the United States of America, we have nothing to fear, since Communism is gone and no longer poses a threat. This is what we’ve been told or lead to believe. Is it really true?
As November 4th approaches and we consider whom to vote for in the elections, this question of Communism is an important one. Communism, as envisioned by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is not as simple as the government kindly taking care of the people of the nation; their vision included the harsh take-over and implementation of government control, despite what the voice of the people may desire. While claiming to be a system to end oppression of the working class (the Proletariat), the system really moves the source of oppression from big business to government.
This issue is important because, whether we realize it or not, elements of Communism are all around us and growing right here in the US! A few of the tenets of Marxist Communism include: the abolition of family, doing away with religion, the abolition of private property, and free government schools (see The Communist Manifesto). Additionally, for a government to take over our nation, it would be quite valuable to disarm the people and to justify the take-over. Each one of these is taking place gradually here in the US. One party seems to support all the causes that establish these Communist tenets; one side of the political spectrum dominates this territory. Although they never mention Communism, they do seem to publicly acknowledge socialism as ideal. Socialism is a forerunner to Communism. The evidence all around us suggests that once we are securely in their grasp, full-fledged Communism will be instituted.
Although most politicians probably (hopefully) don’t consciously intend to bring Communism into the United States, if they support these concepts, they are doing so anyway.
Let’s look at some of the Communist tenets manifested in America.
Abolition of Family
Over several decades or more, the legitimate, natural family has been smeared into a mess of self-interested sex relationships. We hear of “free love,” “reproductive rights,’ and so on. What we got were myriad anti-family options: abortion, living together without marriage, and sex between individuals who are not biologically compatible to produce life. Can anyone say what “family” is any more? Once families are no longer defined, government can make sure children are raised the way they want them to be, because no one but the state really has claim on them anymore.
There is only one type of natural family. When a man and a woman are united intimately, they produce children. This is the natural family, because it happens naturally. When the man and woman are married to each other, committing under God to each other for life or eternity, then we have the legitimate, natural family. The parents who produced these children generally have the highest interest in their well-being. For ages, societies have accepted proper substitutions within such a family. These proper substitutions include: adoption of children, a man replacing a man who has passed away, or a woman replacing a woman who has passed away. The legitimate, natural family is still preserved when any of these substitutions is done by the proper procedure (i.e. adoption process, marriage).
Doing away with Religion
No prayer in school? The Ten Commandments removed from public facilities? A growing view that evolution explains all we need to know about life, so there can’t be any God? Is freedom of religion really a revered U.S. Constitutional right anymore? There seems to be a growing disinterest in religion generally and many are hostile toward any mention of religion, especially in public or with any government connection. Need I say more on this?
Abolition of Private Property
This may be the hardest one to show, but we do see encroachments on private property, mainly through environmental claims and related legal actions. Let’s don’t forget the concept of “imminent domain,” either. Also, government bailouts of corporations put them in a position to more easily transfer the means of production to the government.
Free Government Schools
Well, we all are familiar with this one. We’ve all (or most of us) have been through the system. It seemed okay, right? We weren’t filled with loyalty-to-the-state propaganda. But schools are changing. When we see a national curriculum being forced on the states, it’s a red flag reminding us of the potential for centralized government control and indoctrination. And many schools currently support the “no religion” concept and increasingly support the blurring of the family definition. Children are taught about environmental issues as well (environmental stewardship is a good thing, but it has already been carried too far).
Disarming of the American People
For a government to take authoritarian control, the people must not have the means to fight back. Long-range weapons (as opposed to hand-to-hand fighting), such as guns, are a threat to anyone attempting a hostile take-over. For years now, debates have raged between gun control and gun rights. One by one, certain freedoms relating to guns have been reduced. Responsible gun ownership is imperative, but too often government officials attempt to vilify gun ownership and make “availability of guns” the culprit rather than attributing the problem to the people who misuse them or the culture that produced those people. It’s as if they strive to scare the American people into giving up their guns: “okay, okay, I guess we need more gun control laws!” Just a reminder: We need more people who value each other, regardless of who they are. That naturally leads to less desire to use a gun on them.
Justifying a Government Take-over
How could the government justify a take-over? Perhaps if we stir up divisions between the people, eventually they will be at each other’s throats to the point that the government “must step in” to fix the problem. If that happens, given all the above conditions, how likely is it that those who have a Socialist-Communist mindset will give up control without a fight? We mustn’t let that happen!
From the “culture war” to congressional debates between Democrats and Republicans, conflict between rich and poor, gangs and deadly neighborhoods, school shootings, on and on and on… Are we divided enough yet? Perhaps not yet, since there hasn’t been a take-over. But it isn’t getting any better and the government often takes actions that continue to stir up the divisions.
Consider it. What better explanation is there? Even if it’s not intentional, once the right person realizes the opportunity he or she has, it will come if we don’t stop it first. Do your own research and you might be surprised to find even more than what I’ve uncovered here.
Don’t let stealth and crafty arguments fool you! We mustn’t let those who promote Communist tenets govern our nation. STOP THEM BEFORE THEY STOP US! VOTE November Fourth!

P.S. Spread the word! (Share this post.) And remember, it’s no longer enough to vote and complain how our nation is doing. Get more involved somewhere, somehow.


  1. I agree with everything stated in this document. All of the above is true; we are losing our freedoms without being aware it is happening. This is not the nation I knew growing up and my heart aches for those who will never know what has been lost... how precious and liberating it was. Our founding fathers never intended this once proud country to deteriorate into the quagmire it has become. We need to pray that God will continue to bless America - until her citizens come to their senses. Our nation was founded not on "religious principles" but on a belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of the One, True Living God and our Savior, "the Way, the Truth and the Life" - the one who redeemed us by his death on Calvary and rose from the dead to go before us to prepare our Heavenly Home - IF we believe and receive His gift of salvation. May God have mercy on those who scoff at His invitation to be forgiven of sin and made righteous ONLY through Jesus Christ. Thank you for the research you have done and for posting these facts.

  2. If you constantly complain about who is in office then exercise your right to vote or keep your mouth shut.

  3. I agree, the country is being led to communism. We have to be vigilant, and vote for conservative republicans. Plus, we have to hold these politians to their words on being elected and to democratic and free market principles. Watching their voting record wherever they are is required.

  4. I'm ready to do anything necessary to take back our rights. I'll fight to the death against these elitist cockroaches that are literally stealing democracy. They are harming my kids with their patronizing under the radar social games. They harm anybody who supports their opposition. This used to be a free country. I served it along with so many others, and these people who wouldn't lift a finger for it are taking our rights away. I was approached by one of the scum who knew more about my mail then they should have. They commented in a school about mail that I received from a high ranking political figure. Why was it any of their business. These creeps used the DHS to import masses of people, drug dealers, criminals of every kind, and then using their Federally subsidized Union status to ensure they all voted Democrat. Then there is the college students who don't have legal residence who are allowed to vote, knowing that their grade depends on it.


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