Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Please Thank Google - No Pornographic Ads

Please take a few minutes to thank Google for taking steps to eliminate explicit advertisements on its site. If we let them know there are many of us who appreciate a cleaner Internet, they will have more incentive to continue their new policy that is to start around Sep 2014. If we really want to change America, we need to do more than just vote someone into government office, then complain when it doesn't get better.

Below are some pertinent links and a copy of my letter to Google.

News release about Google's policy:

Link to a form to send feedback regarding "AdWords":

Google's announcement of the change:

New adult-content ad policy coming in Sep 2014:

Besides adult content, Google controls many other sorts of innapropriate content and actions:

Dear Google,

Thank you for updating your adult-oriented content policies to remove all explicit ads. I feel this is an important step in making the Internet a pleasant place for all of us, without stumbling across offensive materials. I appreciate that you even went further and limited even ads that are suggestive, sensual, or revealing. All of these things are on my list of unwanted media content. For me, it’s about keeping a clean mind; removing such material is a major help to let virtue garnish my thoughts unceasingly.

I have used Google for many years as my search engine, mainly because of the clean, uncluttered appearance of the search page and the relevant search results. As a result of these policy changes, I have a deeper respect for Google as a provider of several services that I now use. So long as it remains a place where I can safely work without offensive material making me angry, I’ll keep using Google. I'm glad you agree that not everything merits publication.

Google's reply:

Jul 29 (1 day ago)

to me
Hello Emil,

Thank you for writing in and thanks for taking the time to share your feedback regarding our policy on adult content. We're always striving to make improvements to the AdWords program, and we really appreciate you taking the time and sending us a note on this, I'll be sure to share 

We would love to hear from you in the future as well, if you have any comments or suggestions not just about our policy but even products, please do let us know. You can use this link to send us the feedback. 

We really do appreciate hearing from you and hope that you'll continue to let us know how we can improve the Google AdWords experience.


Google Inc. | The Google AdWords Team |   1866-2-GOOGLE |

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Call to Reclaim America’s Greatness

The other day I was reading online about Google’s new policy prohibiting pornographic advertisements on its site, an action I joyfully applaud. ( Below the article, were a number of posts from readers. A few comments caught my attention, including these:

“Use adblock plus and filters, but DON'T tell me what I can or can't see, else you are no better than a na.zi.”


“Perhaps the answer is to teach your own kids your morality and stop trying to make the rest of the world fit in to your definition. If your kids don't respect your rules, that's your problem, not everyone's.”


“If you are a such a bad parent that you cannot control what you want your kids to see it isn't may fault nor my responsibility.”

(These are copy-and-pasted quotes with all misspellings intact.)

These comments really highlight an attitude that has grown out of a twisted understanding of what American freedom really is. I grew up, and most of us grew up, with the mistaken idea that our freedom in the USA is about doing the things we want to do. Yes, to some extent that is true, but it really applies to the bigger life issues that apply to everyone, such as what religion I choose, what job I pursue, the education I strive for, where I live, and so on. I am free to make those choices for myself. But our American freedom was never meant to please our every whim.

When the freedom fighters won our victory over Britain, that was the freedom they were struggling for: freedom from control and domination by an outside power that was increasingly unreasonable. They weren’t fighting because they wanted to do whatever they wanted or live in a land with no laws.

Thinking a little more deeply, it seems the First Amendment to the Constitution isn’t working properly anymore because its meaning has been twisted and misunderstood for too long, just as the meaning of freedom. The Constitution was a great creation, but it was intended for a people with a moral character. In our day, the moral climate has changed dramatically from the time the Constitution was written. The First Amendment, in particular, has been most abused and twisted to accommodate the non-moral attitudes that are rising within our nation.

The First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The freedom of religion and freedom of speech clauses have received the most attention and the most distorting of meaning. In the First Amendment, the statement about religion says that the government can’t make a law to establish any particular religion, such as a state religion, and can’t make laws that infringe on our freedom to choose a religion and to practice it according to our free conscience. That’s as far as it goes; it says all that was intended. This clause was not attempting to stamp out religion nor to keep government from acknowledging the value or importance of religion in American life.

But now, as a result of the many forces opposed to religion (whose opposition is generally a result of malpractice of religion, not true religion itself) a new, twisted concept of freedom of religion has arisen. The all-too-common idea now seems to be that government can’t allow anything touching on religion to be associated with the government and that government has no place in promoting the general practice of religion among our people.

I say it would be perfectly within acceptable government parameters if the government issued a statement to the American people saying, “Let us return to the Holy books, open them up, and re-discover what our forefathers knew. Let’s no longer walk away from our faith as an obsolete treasure, justifying it through science. Let’s look again to the example of good people who put their faith and trust in God. Let’s work to make America great once again.” A presidential candidate who made such a statement and clearly believed it and intended to make it happen, would get my vote.

The meaning of freedom of speech and the press has also become distorted. History has taught us that governments that control the media tend to use that control to squelch any information that would put the government in a bad light or that would inform the public when the government misbehaved. The constructors of the Constitution had this in mind when they wrote the First Amendment; it was intended to protect the people from a rogue government that hides the truth through censorship. This was the main objective of the freedom of speech and press.

But the twisting of meaning has taken its toll on this right as well. Now, many in our nation claim the defense of “free speech” to protect just about anything. The First Amendment was not written to protect all that one might desire to say or publish; decency and civility should always prevail.

The government has put limits on a few forms of expression, such as hate speech, slander, or libel; and has limited when and where explicit material may be broadcast. But it could constitutionally go further. I believe it would be fully within the meaning of the First Amendment to ban all explicit materials or mandate that no vulgar language be published. These only elevate the quality of speech and press, but have no bearing on the public’s right to be informed.

There is an interesting interaction between these two clauses. If proper religion is strong in the culture, inappropriate speech will be limited by the people, without government control. But as the anti-moral forces of our day increase, they work on pushing each of these ideals in opposite directions, which has the effect of feeding each other. The anti-moral forces push to reduce the influence of religion; they also push to recognize more things as acceptable speech. By reducing the influence of religion, it is easier to persuade people to accept more types or categories of speech as acceptable. So as they push for more open speech, they get it because of the reduced strength of religious and moral opposition. In time, the most vile and disgusting things may be accepted because it’s “free speech.” And this more widely opened speech, as seen in current trends, further reduces the influence and perceived value of religion, faith, and spirituality.

The people of our land have been changing. Attitudes, beliefs, and values have changed a lot since the Constitution was written. That is a natural phenomenon. When the changes, however, are making things worse rather than better, we should be concerned.

The fourth verse of the patriotic song, America the Beautiful, highlights the ideal American:
Oh, beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!

The comments at the beginning of this post from the internet seem to show a different kind of American. They seem to show an attitude of loving self more than all else. In their view, it seems that the hurts we cause are of no concern to them, as long as it doesn’t directly affect them. Those comments show a harsh American, a condemning American. They show an American with little concern for the welfare of other Americans or our nation. Extended to its natural consequence, they show a divided America, where everyone fends for themselves and an America losing its grip on greatness (as China rises in power).

As was acknowledged by our people in the past, God provided the strength that helped us expel British rule. Interestingly, now as a result of some British influences in the United States, we are voluntarily giving up on the power (God) that has sustained us for two centuries. Charles Darwin, a British man who deserves credit for honestly reporting what he discovered, contributed to and sparked the beginnings of the downward spiral of belief in God. Over time, others jumped on the band wagon but didn’t just promote the scientific understanding of discoveries, but attempted to persuade people that these discoveries “prove” that God didn’t create life on earth. One example of this is Richard Dawkins, a British author who is well-known for his books that emphasize evolution, while disputing the relevance and existence of God. The ideas have strongly taken hold of America, leading us to give up the power that once won us the victory over England. What a strange irony. In the end, perhaps Britain will have won by destroying us from the inside.

And while this happens, we are comfortably numb in our self-made traps: so much American energy, ingenuity, creativity, and power are locked up in video games, social media, outdoor recreation, sports, etc. We entertain and please ourselves while the greatness of our nation is fading.

In the third verse of The Star-Spangled Banner, we read these words:
Oh, thus be it ever, when free men shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation!

Can we still do this? Will we still do this? Will YOU help do this? Will you help build a great America? Will you help build a moral America? A united America? An America where we care for each other and an America that honors God and receives his blessings? If you will, if we all will, then maybe again “the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave!”