Wednesday, May 20, 2015

To Follow God or Not--That is the Question

Value addressed: Seek Truth

We are at a crossroad in America, where we must decide if we will be a nation under God, or a nation that believes man has all the answers and operates as such. Although no one is saying it in the media, I believe this is what’s at stake for the upcoming presidential election in 2016. Will the United States of America be “one nation under God,” guided by principles given by God; or will it be a godless nation, seeking hedonistic pleasures, and denying any higher authority than self (or man-made government)?

Every American who believes in God and wants the freedom to act as God directs, must raise their voices in support of a God-inspired nation. We must not let lies overshadow what is true. We must be firm in our faith, not cast about by every wind of popular opinion.

I believe that most people who don’t believe in God these days have been influenced to a large extent by the Theory of Evolution. Some of the facts presented by science on the topic are true, but there is a whole range of questions on the subject that science has not yet answered, but has only speculated. We have been sold a big lie, while the truth is subdued or cast aside as out-of-date.

If this is an age of reason, let’s reason sensibly and accurately. We must no longer accept lies as truth, just because some scientist said it. We also must not accept lies just because someone of the clergy said it. We have the means to analyze so much more than anytime in the past. We can compare the validity of religious arguments and scientific arguments. The whole point of both religion and science is to learn and apply truth for the betterment and well-being of people. Let’s work with both to establish what is true and strive to live by it.

I’m impressed with the following speech by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, who stood up for the truth. May we all be so bold in standing for the truth. May we also teach our children to stand for what is true and right.

Watch the video of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn addressing members of Congress at a service at the Capitol.

What to teach children:

-    They have a responsibility to work to discover and learn what is true (this includes education and faith)
-    There are many things people will tell them that are not true (even authorities, publications, etc.)
-    Evolution is taught as a fact, but there are many questions that science has left unanswered
-    Some answers science has provided are based on false presuppositions
-    As science discovers new things, it often gives new evidence for evolution as well as a creator
-    The potential consequences may be worse to deny a creator when he in fact exists than to believe, though he doesn’t exist. At best, they are equal. Believing is therefore a better choice in the absence of proof.
-    Teach critical thinking skills
-    Teach them about God
-    Teach them about your faith and get them involved (yes, that means you need to be involved too)
-    Many people claim to have experiences that they attribute to divine aid or involvement
-    Until these and a number of other questions can be adequately explained by some other cause, reason cannot deny a divine creator
-    Teach them to be kind as they stand firm for truth

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